Friday, December 11, 2015

Install Twrp recovery and root Oneplus X(opx ,onyx)-How to

Oneplus surely changed how the mid range and affordable smartphone should be with their new handset,Oneplus X but its invite system makes it hard to grab one.But one of big advantage of getting a android device with high end specifications is that a lot of developers get attracted to them and we could possibly get improved android roms much earlier than other handsets at the same price.

But android development for any device usually starts with bootloader unlocking and then later it proceeds further to "Rooting it" and then to custom recoveries or roms. Being a developer friendly device unlocking bootloader of Oneplus X is fairly easy and we have covered it in a separate guide.Link that guide is mentioned below.

If you have already unlocked bootloader of oneplus X (opx or onyx) and want to root it then you have to first install a custom recovery.Even though there is no support for Official Twrp recovery unofficial one is already available which can installed on it without any issues.

But as you know installing recovery is a risky process and that too an unofficial twrp, we hold no responsibility at all if you have bricked it.With that in mind proceed further to know how to install twrp recovery and root Oneplus X (opx or onyx).
Before proceeding further:
  • Though there is no need to backup any data, we still recommend you to backup apps and other data on your device to computer or cloud.If you didn't unlock bootloader then you have to unlock it first.
  • Install drivers on your computer so that it is recognised in fastboot mode.
  • You have to install adb or fastboot on your computer without which you can flash twrp at all.
  • Unlocked bootloader of oneplus x.
  • Battery: Charger your oneplus X to at least 60% .
  • Download Trwp recovery for Oneplus X(googledrive mirror) and transfer it to minimal adb and fastboot folder.

Rooting Oneplus X is done in three stages.In Stage one we will be unlocking bootloader.In stage 2 we will install twrp recovery on oneplus x and in final stage we will be flashing chain-fire superuser through recovery to gain root access.
Install Twrp recovery and root Oneplus X(opx ,onyx):
Install Twrp recovery and root Oneplus X(opx ,onyx)
Install Twrp recovery and root Oneplus X(opx ,onyx)
About Twrp recovery:
Team win recovery project abbreviated as Twrp is one first recovery to offer a completely touch driven interface.The ui is completely xml based which means you can customise the interface with different themes and also it is only recovery that supports themes.Unlike the clockworkmod recovery this recovery has the option to wipe all the data,cache,dalvik,system,internal with just only one swipe.Of course you have to choose what to be wiped on the device.Twrp officially does not support oneplus x it might take some time for official one to come into existence.
Twrp recoveryfor root Oneplus X
Twrp recoveryfor root Oneplus X
Checkout the features of Twrp:
  • Touch interface:It is one of the first if not he first recovery to offer a complete touch based user interface which makes navigation a lot easier and later cwm also introduced touch based recovery.
  • Individual Backups: Creating a complete backup is a must for any flasher but it eats up a lot of space of your internal or external storage.Twrp will let you to backup individual portions of rom, this saves lot of space on your android device.This feature comes handy when you are flashing kernels.If You can backup just boot img before flashing a kernel if it fails you can restore just boot img instead of complete nandroid backup.
  • Advanced wipe:There are two options for wiping your device partitions one is wipe and other is advanced wipe.If you choose just wipe option it factory resets while advance wipe option will allow you to choose what to wipe and what not.
  • Theme Engine: This is one of the best feature and is only available in Twrp only.Since ui of twrp is XML based you can customize its ui with already available themes or you can create your own theme if you can.
  • Multi rom:As the name says you can boot more than two roms on your device and is exclusive to twrp only as of now.This feature may not be available from official twrp team and booting more than one rom requires a modified kernel by your rom developer.
Since twrp recovery doesn't supports oneplus X officially there might be bugs in this unofficial builds.It might take some time for the official builds to come out but till then you have to rely on this one only to root your handset.Proceed to the next step only if you have unlocked bootloader.

Install Twrp recovery on Oneplus X (opx ,onyx):

  • Download and install oneplus X (onyx) drivers on your computer if you haven't done it before.
  • Now power off the device completely and wait for few seconds to confirm that it is completely off.
  • Hold volume down/up(only one) and power button at same time for few seconds to boot into fastboot mode.If you are requested to chose a language while booting into fastboot.
  • If you are unable to boot into fastboot mode manually then you can do it using advanced reboot option which you have to enable it in developer options. 
  • Once you are in fastboot mode connect it to computer through usb cable and if you notice any driver installation process let it complete first.
  • Download  fastboot on our laptop or Pc and install it.You can install it any location but choose location as c: which is default location.
  • open the fastboot folder which is located in "c:\programming files".Right click on empty space by holding shift and you see an option "open cmd here".
  • If you don't find this option then press windows and R buttons at same time ,Run pops up and type cmd to open command prompt.
  • Now go to fastboot folder and copy the address location of it which you can see in address bar of folder.
  • In command prompt type the command "Cd location of fastboot folder" and press enter.You will notice that fastboot appears in command line.To paste location right click on empty space in cmd and several pops up.Select paste.
  • Once you press enter you have to notice minimal adb and fastboot in command line instead of c or some thing.
  • Once you are in fastboot window type "fastboot devices" and press enter.If your device is detected you will get a serial number in list of  devices attached.If not uninstall drivers and install them again.
  • Download twrp recovery image from the above link and transfer it to the minimal adb and fastboot folder.
  • Rename Opx recovery img file to "recovery",so that you can type the command easily.
  • Connect the device to system using usb cable again by keeping it in fastboot mode.
  • Now type the command "fastboot devices " to see if it is detected.If it is not detected by fastboot reboot the device and enable usb debugging and see if it is detected.
  • If detected type the command "fastboot flash recovery recovery.img" to flash the recovery permanently.Hit enter to flash it.
Once you hit enter twrp recovery will be flashed in 2-3 seconds.Once it is flashed you can proceed to next step to root Oneplus X.

#1 How To Root Oneplus X(opx or onyx):

  •  If you have installed twrp recovery just reboot it by typing the command "fastboot reboot".
  • Now download supersu zip file and transfer it to internal storage of your device.
  • Now power off your handset and boot into recovery mode using button combinations.
  • Once you are in twrp recovery,click on backup and make a complete nandroid backup.It is essential for you to make a backup as there is no other way to bring back soft bricked to normal working state for now.
  • Once you have backed up just click on restore and check if backup is available or not.
  • If backup is available you are good to go.
  • Click on install and then navigate to location where you have placed supersu zip file and select it.
  • Swipe to confirm flash and then reboot to system once it is done.
  • Once you reboot the device you will supersu application in app drawer.
  • To confirm if it rooted or not download root checker app from playstore and run it.
  • If it asks for root permissions then your oneplus x is rooted.

#2 Root Oneplus X without flashing recovery:

If you don't want to flash twrp recovery but still want to root your Oneplus x then follow below steps to do so.But you need to have bootloader unlocked for this procedure to work.
  • Download latest version of supersu and transfer it to internal storage o
  • Put your Oneplus X in bootloader mode and connect it to computer using usb cable.
  • Download twrp recovery image file from above google drive link and then transfer it to minimal adb and fastboot folder.
  • Now open fastboot and type the command "fastboot devices" to confirm if your oneplus x is detected by it or not.
  • Once detected you need to type the command "fastboot boot recovery recovery.img" and hit enter.You will notice that device boots into twrp recovery.
  • Once you are in twrp recovery click on install and flash the supersu zip file and reboot it.
  • Once Oneplus X reboots you will find supersu app in app drawer which means you have rooted it successfully.
Final words on rooting Oneplus X (opx or onyx):
By following any one of two procedures which are listed above you will achieve root access  for sure.If you have any doubts about installing Twrp recovery on Oneplus X then leave a comment below.